
May 29, 2008

Into Extinction Day 117 (fuck – it could be worse – really.)

“Ignorant men don’t know what good they hold in their hands until they’ve flung it away.” – Sophocles – BC 495-406, Greek Tragic Poet


We (me included) have this way of thinking that our situation is unique and our own disaster is grander than anyone else’s.  Well I have good news and bad news.  The good news is yes your divorce is a disaster and the bad news is there others worse off than you.  Not to say you don’t rate but it could be worse.  Reading through the news….

·        A man married his love of 2 years only to have her die in his arms during their first dance.  Trumps both you and I (not that should be a contest).

·        The Inuit of the Northern Canada start with depressions almost as soon as they are born and this continues with the following in:

o       loss of culture;

o       lack of recognition;

o       poverty;

o       housing; and,

o       addictions.

You thought you had it bad but image being in a tiny isolated community with no opportunities, where suicides are common, drugs and addictions are the only way out.

·        You aren’t a quadriplegic (well I am assuming).

·        You don’t have aids.

·        Your ex isn’t out hunting you and trying to kill you off (once again I am assuming).

·        You aren’t Maxime Bernier – who is a single week saw his career go up in flames around him.  See this link if you have no idea what the fuck I am talking about >>> http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2008/05/28/security-bernier.html

·        Your own grow op has not been discovered by the police – cool.

·        You aren’t homeless (well once again I am assuming).  Having a shopping cart does count as a home.

·        You haven’t been stabbed waiting for a bus.

·        You weren’t impersonating a police officer or a gynecologist (or at least you weren’t caught).

·        You weren’t carjacked this week – maybe next week.


I am not trying to convince you that so many others are worse off than you are, just trying to get you to move forward with your life – that’s all.

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