
May 27, 2008

Into Extinction Day 115 (Nothing is so fucked up as when she doesn’t listen.)



* Author’s note:  If you find extreme language and hostility a problem do not read this note. 


I have told my ex-wife for the past 3 years I wish no contact with her.  This has not stopped her from attempting to send me past Christmas or Birthday cards plus emails on a continual basis to me.  Personally, I find this so fucking frustrating about her and one of the reasons I left her.  She always believed there were no lines.  If she felt and believed that is was her due, she would cross the any line.  For example, when I was still married to her and seeing a therapist, she demanded to see his files on me.  I said it wasn’t possible but this didn’t stop her from cornering my therapist one day (she waited outside his office and then pounced on the poor fellow) and interrogated him for 45 minutes demanding to see my files.  It was beyond her understanding as to why she couldn’t see my files.


So, it continues to this day.  She sends me emails with trite little sayings or how I can be closer to god.  I can’t think of an individual I would like less discourse or interactions with.  She is the last person on this fucking planet I would want any type of advice from.


How Christian could this possible be?  When she used the courts, the government and her lawyers to fuck me over?  They managed to strip me of all my income and any significant assets I have.  What kind of fucked up world does my ex live in that she thinks everything is fine now?   The only thing this proves to me is how fucking far away is she from reality and the fantasy world she lives in.  When you get everything you want and strip the dignity from the other person it is easy to be gracious and smile as the other person struggles to move on. 


Sending me photos or cards is just a huge fucking reminder of what she did to me over the years.  The years of abuse, of yelling and screaming from her.  The constant interrogations of everything I did.  If you (the ex) should every read this, leave me the fuck alone.  I would rather be on the other side of the planet, in a war zone, with a suicide bomber, with the Koran strapped to my ass, up to my neck in goat shit than go through this again with you.  If I could and I had the means, I would disappear forever.  Your continued attempts at communication only prove to me you have no fucking idea what you did to me and that makes me angrier than I have been in my life and I don’t like to feel this way.   So pardon the expression but fuck off. 

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